I-CAN! Accessibility Project Resources

The resources below are created by the I-CAN! Accessibility Project. The I-CAN! Accessibility Project is a collaboration between the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work and the Partnership for People with Disabilities. This project is supported by grant number #19-M5304VA15, awarded by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Fund by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Opinions or points of view expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Department of Criminal Justice Services. 

The Domestic Violence Service Provider Training Modules 

Domestic Violence Modules

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Free training module series designed to help domestic violence and sexual assault service providers enhance their services for people with disabilities who are experiencing abuse. Certificates and CEU's are available.  

Supporting Survivors Who are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing Training Modules 

Supporting Survivors who are d/deaf or hard of hearing

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Free training module series designed for people who support people who are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing to respond to abuse. 

I-CAN! Accessibility

YouTube Page 

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Videos created by the I-CAN! Accessibility Project to help increase access of services for people with disabilities who are being abused. American Sign Language videos about abuse and resources for support are featured here. 

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School of Social Work